FreehandwritingMARK MAKING for the IMAGINATION, Venice Italy

Calligraphy Monica Dengo Calligrafia
Class Info:
  • 25 and 26 November 2023
  • Monica Dengo
  • Ca’ Pesaro – International Gallery of Modern Art, Venice Italy
  • Download Pdf

Mark Making for the Imagination, Venice Italy

25 and 26 November 2023,
Ca’ Pesaro – International Gallery of Modern Art, organized by Correr Library Venice Italy
h 10.30-16.30

Mark Making for the Imagination, Art of writing in the West

The course will be mainly practical. We will start with the writing of a word, then move on to the single mark, the gesture, the pressure, the space/form balance and finally the art of freely tracing marks on paper. For some the text will remain the fulcrum of the experience, for others it will only be a starting point towards abstraction, for still others the only apparently casual mark will be fully satisfactory. Participants will discover the expressive potential of handwriting and its value as a practice of concentration and well-being. In this journey we will draw inspiration from the words of the poet Tsering Wangmo Dhompa “Emptiness is not deprivation of …, or a lack of meaning, rather emptiness indicates a potential. Emptiness is like zero where zero is an indicator of nothing but the beginning, it is the possibility of what may come after that makes zero so crucial”.

The course is open to all lovers of hand writing, calligraphists, artists and designers. Beginners may also take part. 

All Information About Masterclass: Monica Dengo

nformazioni sulla Masterclass in italiano: Monica Dengo

For complete program visit here: Museo Correr Web Page

Programma completo in Italiano: Museo Correr Web Page

Please visit The Art of Handwriting 2014 Photo Album on Flickr

Please visit The Art of Handwriting 2015 Photo Album on Flickr

For more Info and Subscription:  +39 041 2405211


Anyone interested in the arts of lettering, calligraphy and verbal/visual communication is invited to apply. These courses are particularly valuable for graphic designers, type designers and artists.

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